Wassup seyy with your face? "ear plug" What's up with you? what's up with me ? Haha WHAT'S UP everybody?? HAaaaaaaaaaaaa i've nothing to do so~~ bored =_=
This is our normal routine
every morning recite asma' ul husna,dua,al-fatiha and soo on
2>start lesson bla bla bla..
3>recess time
4>lesson goes on
5>2nd recess
6>Goo Home at 0350 after assembling soo late ehH?
Yeah that was what we did every day....
soo todayy i've received all my Test4 result Maths,nahu,science.arab and english.
and i only need to take 2 re-test wad duh -_- Nvm... Try my best!prepare for rest!
Soo next week we have all the ukhrawi's test..and i've not studied at all.. there's still more time.. But waait! "Menunda-nunda tk bagoes ia hanya membuang masa" quoted from Ustazah muayanah.. Remember study 1 or 2 weeks before exam starts.. before its too late yea?
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