Sunday, February 12, 2012


Aduh... Ape ni.. Ana rase ana anti-social lah.. mcmne nk break the ani-social life..?
One thing yang ana takut sgt is kalau ana tulis smthng kt facebook ana takut klu org comment.. Makin tambah dosa je.. Tpi mcmne ana nk jdi mcm kwn2 ana yg lain? Mereka kebanyakannye tulis perkara yg berfaedah.. dan berkongsi kpd antum semue.. tapi apa daur ana sbgi org islam.. kn kne berdakwah.. Ana seram lah.. Mcm ne ana nk mulakan perkongsian ana... Ada satu perkara yg ana kurang suka tntng setengah org. Ada yg diam pada zahir.. tpi batin mksd ana.. mcm facebook/ twitter gtu boleh blg mcm2.. lebih talkative drpd ape yg ana tahu.. hehe.. Kan ada hadith kata diam itu lebih baik dri bercakap..berkata yg benar saje... Dahlah.. beriman dan bertakwa je lah...
Ana rasa ana lebih suke kalau berbual face-to face and share knowledge.. hehee..
Ana rase mcm nk masuk bahas tpi ana tk KONFIDEN.. seram nervous and tkde skills.. Btw ana suke discuss and tanya bnyk soalan pd mak ana.. Ana suke sgt bertanya kerana malas mencari jwpn.. Ish! tk bgus tu..

Summary of today,
- Went to Mr Rahamat's maths class learn about inequalities.. Eat indian mee..Sir offered. Next time try to avoid...Forgot o pay 70 dollars for GC.. Urghh
- Went to library read informative books - Death- Euthanasia-Food-Guns.
Acually planned to study maths with oda but unable to.. she had to run some errands.. Next time..
-Buy old chang kee yam pie.. YAY finally got to taste it! yammy!
-Auntie and cousin came.. to discuss about his marriage.. hmm...
- Hafal/Murajaah Himp 3.. Ameen InsyaAllah,.. Doakan ye..
Based on Islamic religion, "when someone dies.. The person that will came after he / her would be their own father or someone that is related to them like his grand father or anyone..."


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