YesterdayWent to sembawang library and finished our discussion about our debate (Bahas)..
The Topic seems uneasy for us..but we chose it..It was about "foreign workers working in singapore should be given a lot of chance to work here"..and we be the opposition group.Don't know what to say.. Our discussion were quite fun along with the chit-chatting until we got "halau" 3 times by the librarians huh.. From the side of shelf along to the emergency exit till beside of the wall to the corner side.. wat the..nth.So our discussion ends at 5 pm i think..I arrived home at 5:30.and about 1 hr and 39 minutes to "berbuka"..
During the disscusion we talk about Cake Batik.The one that Aisyah said brought on the last party with the sec 2s. The whole cake was finished only left with the crumbs and the toppings.When we talk about the recipe everybody were drooling..Here are the recipe if you want to jot down ...Instructions200g Milo250g of Butter1 can of condensed milk.the one you mix with the tea to make teh-susu . (if you don't know the difference between evaporated milk and condense milk,you can shake the can and if you did not here the splash then it's the condensed milk)
A packet of Mary biscuit that would be tastier if not you can you other biscuitMethod1) Double boil the 200g of butter in the pot
2) Mix the Milo and the whole milk together into the pot of butter and stir continously until the mixture thickened.You should stir until it reach a slow boil.and stir constantly
3) This is the best part..Used your hands to crush The Mary Biscuits into pieces make sure that the biscuit is not crushed until it become crumbs just slightly would be better.
4)Finally , mix the biscuit into mixture and stir thorougly and remember to Lower the heat to medium. After you are done with it,remove it from heat and switch off the gas stove.
5)Lastly, pour and transfer the mixture into a serving bowl and Refrigerate it or freeze it..

It will become something like this or maybe this?
Below Here are some pics
Alamak sorry aqilah i've got your picture heretkpe..picture blur...
Sakinah tengah angau kan sape tu?

Yes! at least dpt jgk tgk "tudung" adawie yg
"cantik" nie.. rajin betul

huh... fair enough

eh malu lah tuu

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Cik nah ngn cik kelah sedang bermain2 ngn
hp mereka lalu mengambil
photo rakan2 mereka yg tidak bersalah
Ni cik leha ngn Cik nah sedang sibuk berbual
Oops name censored